About this site

This is a personal website like folks used to have in the halcyon days of the web. It is primarily intended as a landing page from web search results, social media bios, etc. It includes a longer biography as well as a home for longer-form writings.

I am in the process of building this site out to replace my old university site now that I've been out of school for, oh, decades.

About me

I live in an old house in Berkeley, California with my wife (an environmental lawyer), two young children, and a Roomba. I grew up in Wisconsin, went to school in Madison, and have lived in the Bay Area and New York City.

Since 2005 I've been employeed at Google as a software engineer and technical lead. In recent years, I've been working on frontend infrastructure for Google Search. Previously, I've worked on the Google Android app, Closure Library, Google Books, and other projects.



In time, I hope to include a chronological list of things I've written here. For now, it's a short list.