AWS and xrdp


I don't know who needs to know this but, but I ended up struggling with this for a while this evening — here are some notes on getting an Remote Desktop connection to a Linux EC2 instance on AWS using xrdp. 1

You must do the following things:

This is probably deserving of more details — if you see this and have feedback, tweet at me, I guess. I just want to get this down somewhere so it comes up in a web search.

  1. For context, I want to do some hobby development on a Linux machine but we mostly have Windows and Chrome devices sitting around the house. I could reimage an old machine, set up dual-boot, run VirtualBox, use WSL or Crostini, etc, but all of these options are kind of a pain. Rather, I'd like to just have a cloud instance I can connect to from anywhere (namely either the office or the couch) and just costs a few cents per hour.